Sunday, August 27, 2017

Where do I sign up

Genuine, life experiences. 
Offering inspiration and hope to those bumbling through this life. 
I'm doing the best I can, I'm a work in progress and I've a purpose. 
So. Do. You.

I want to take a moment and provide a bit of an update on the new chapter I’m embarking upon.

I made the decision to leave the preschool I had been working at for eleven years.  The school that watched both my girls grow up (shoot, they watched ME grow up!).  The same school that walked gingerly and sweetly through the Jordan Journey.  Sigh…was I really being called away from it all…?  The history?  The friends?  I had to face the fact that yes, indeed.  It was not a decision I made or took lightly.


This is a school that took a super big chance on this girl.  The only exposure to children, at the time, were my own two littles.  Frankly, I was bumbling my way through motherhood.  Then, after volunteering for a week with their 2-year olds at their Vacation Bible School week, I get a job offer.

The director calls one week before school, “Saw how you worked so well with those little people at VBS.  Would you be interested in a job with our 2 year old program?”
Uh….sure(seriously?  WHAT are they thinking??  What was I thinking??)

My very first day – and it was my that director's favorite story to tell – I left in SOBS!  Crying my eyes out.  Swearing that I was going to get a job at McDonald’s or WalMart.  Either of those had to be better than being around THAT MANY people under 3 feet tall. 


Well…the rest is history.  I stayed (obviously).  I did their 2 year old program for a few years, transitioned into their ‘P.E.’ teacher, did the aide stint for a spell. Over the years, they showed a WHOLE LOTTA GRACE to this gal.  So, you can say I’ve some experience in the industry (both in childcare AND in receiving grace…LOL).

However, I do believe my time had run it’s course.  And, truth be told, I wanted to be closer to home (the drive was an easy 20 – 30 minutes).

On a whim, I walked into a preschool within walking distance to my home.  I asked about openings in their Pre-k program.

Nope.  There was a wait.

Off the cuff, “Are you hiring?”

As a matter of fact, we are.  BUT it’s very part time.  M*W*F, 2 hours

Where do I sign up?”


I was hired.  On the spot.

I was excited.  Scratching my head. 
HOW can this be happening again??  A week before school starts?  It's apparently my

My wheels start spinning.  I kind of begin to panic.  I am normally NOT prone to anxious thoughts.  But…ugh.  I couldn’t shake the thoughts plaguing me!!

What about my youngest?

No spots.

How will I make ends meet?

It’s only SIX hours a week.
(Although, all that lolly-gaggin’ time sounds prett-ee nice. All that time to write!!  LOL)

How will I cover tuition?

It was decided that she would stay at the ‘old’ school and I chose 
to just move forward.  'Keep on swimming, keep on swimming...' as it goes.

Friday at the open house – a spot opens up for my littlest.

God.  Wow.

Saturday – new boss calls and offers me full-time.


I am in A-W-E.

I’m not gonna lie.  I felt I’d been a little ‘faith-less’.  My MOUTH kept saying ‘it’ll all work out’.  But in my heart, I wasn’t convinced…sigh.

So we both started new beginnings on August 21st.  Littlest has taken to the new school like a fish to water. 

I feel like my being there is going to be a tremendous benefit and blessing – for everyone involved. 

I get to walk to work everyday!!!  WITH my baby!

The friends she makes here are likely to go to kindergarten at the same school that she’ll go to next year.

I am so humbled. 
I’m unbelievably happy.

THANK YOU previous place for the gift of so many life lessons.  Teaching me all I know of the childcare industry.  Because of you, I am the teacher I am today.  Heck, I am the woman / friend / mother due to y’all!!

THANK YOU new place for taking a chance on me on that very hot August afternoon.  I am excited and eager to bring to the table my abilities.  And I look forward to the new lessons I will learn.

I have already seen that this is a great match.
It was time.

Here’s to new memories, new lessons and new growth.

The Texas Ginger

Bringing World Peace One Hug at a Time

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