Sunday, August 6, 2017


A few weeks ago, I was invited to join in on hosting a baby shower. 

A baby shower, for a baby, that had come along in 'less than ideal' circumstances.  Mom and dad, not married.  Dad comes from a solid home of faith, home school upbringing, original set of parents.  Mom, a bit more of a troubled background, having had one baby already and a history of abuse.  

I then got word from THEE host organizing this event.  I was given my marching orders, list of food to contribute and then a few days later, she asked if I would do a five minute devotional.

(emoticon:  SHOCK face)

I humbly said, 'uhm...yes'


She knows so many other people!  So many more...friends that she has a much longer history with than little ol' me! Regardless of the 'why' I accepted the privilege to speak over this young father.

Monday rolls around, I look over my text outlining the food and see the request again.  "Oh...that's right.  I really need to put something together."  

Promptly forget.

Tuesday...Wednesday...Saturday morning.

Reading my personal devotional. "OMGee...I need to put together a devotional for the shower today!!!" (gulp!!)

I finish up my devotional.

I read the scripture for the day again...

That's it.

Fast forward. 

I'm at the shower.  I stand up and say, " I wrote this all out this morning, I felt really confident.  It seemed like I really encapsulated what was to be said today.  NOW...standing before you...I want to throw up!"  I was SO nervous!!!  Surrounded by sages and friendships, going back years and years ( far back as the young father's baby shower we were there to love on!!)

Anyway...the following is the devotional that came to me to share at the shower.




Ooookkk…that’s a weird scripture for a baby shower.  Certainly not the traditional, warm and fuzzy ‘I know the plans I have for you…knitted in my mother’s womb…’

And you’d be right.

Because this entire journey that C. and his precious family have been on, so far, has been anything but warm and fuzzy.  

There’s been nothing ‘traditional’ about it.

It’s been a lot of waiting.

It’s been a lot of (trying) not to fret.

It’s been hoping wicked schemes didn’t weigh out.

Today, while there is still a bit of a ways to go on this road ahead, we celebrate J’s life.  We rejoice that he is healthy.  Well cared for and loved by a community of people.  People that recognized and seized an opportunity to extend grace where otherwise, it could’ve been withheld.
Let’s be frank – the circumstances do NOT appear to be all that ideal.  

But who are WE to say they’re NOT ideal?

God was not caught off guard by any of this.  

WE may have been, but God was not.

He was not scrambling around when Jacob made himself known to his mother.

God did panic or fret.  Or slap his forehead, “Great…now look what they’ve done!”

I’d like to think that He knew EXACTLY what he was doing.  

I believe that our God is the epitome of grace, love and mercy (something most of us barely scratch the surface on any given day).  Knowing this about our God, I believe he considered – who better?  Who better to face the stares, whispers and flimsy opinions than this rock-solid family of faith?  A family that has rallied, prayed and trusted.  A family that has cried out to that very same loving, gracious, and merciful God.

I also believe that God knew this baby shower…this celebration was the best way to demonstrate HIS amazing capacity to love his children.  The humbling part?  We got to participate.  We were allowed to be the hands and the feet.  Apparently; the best tools in the tool box, expressly equipped to extend love and grace.  Because let’s be honest, we all come to the table with our own ‘non-traditional’ journeys, yes?

So…while each of the steps that led to today were not traditional, perfect, or what we would consider, ‘ideal’.  

May I gently remind you that our Savior did not come to us traditionally either.  

His circumstances far from perfect.  Dare I say, not even all that ‘ideal’.

However, the outcome was perfect.

It was exactly as God planned.  Let’s pray...

(here is that prayer)

What joy it is to call you ‘daddy’.  To curl up in your lap, exhale a breath of sheer relief.  The comfort of a Father that knows us all too well.

We celebrate today not only J, but each and every life that is here today.  We celebrate the bumpy roads that brought each of us here today.  Roads, that took turns, had a few bumps and in the end turned us to YOUR amazing grace.

We ask today a special blessing on J’s life.  For continued health.  We trust that, while things unfold, we will not fret.  We trust that, while WE think we know what’s best, ultimately YOU are the one that knows best.  

As we have spoken of mercy and grace, it would be negligent to not say a prayer over J’s mom.  Let’s recognize that she could’ve made a very different choice.  We celebrate the choice that she DID make today.  It goes without saying that she is hurting deeply and floundering a bit.  Our prayer is that, while the justice system plays out – knowing you’re in full control – that J's mom would catch glimpses of YOU.  That there would come a day when she looks back and can see your fingerprints all over this.  That she would come to KNOW YOU through all of this.  Show her…help her recognize the ‘something different’ in this family.

Thank you for allowing each and every one of us to gather here today and pour into C and J.  May the grandparents, aunts and uncles marvel at the outpouring of love and support that continues to flow from you through us.

Thank you for babies.  

Thank you for Jesus.  

And thank you…for saving our floundering souls. 



I will leave you with that today.
The Texas Ginger

Bringing World Peace One Hug at a Time

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