Tuesday, October 5, 2010


WOW - to describe it - like a grey cloud that rolls in over the sunshine, a cool breeze that catches you off guard and you wish you'd brought a sweater. 

Last night I was just in a funk!  I wish I could pinpoint why.  When I feel a little sad the first thing I do is turn to drink (KIDDING!!)!!!  What I try to do is figure out the date and think backwards - is there something significant that happened on this date?  For example, I sort of anticipate feeling 'a little something' around the 14th of each month and the 21st (both significant Jordan dates).  Well, yesterday was just plain ol' October 4th.  Nothing major...wait...it JUST hit me.  Today (the 5th) is my friend Ginnie's birthday.   Which means that for a week now I've received birthday reminders, compliments of Yahoo!  (did you really think I committed all of your birthday's to memory?  uh...no).  My sweet friend (sigh) she passed away at the beginning of this year.  That's it - it makes sense - thank you sweet Abba for bringing that to mind. 

Ginnie was responsible for the Guest Hearts that people would sign when they visited Jordan in the hospital - her whole wall was covered in them. 

This makes sense.  HOWEVER, this morning I did not know why.  Did NOT want to get out of bed - but I did.  Did NOT want to go for a walk - but I did.  Did NOT want to go to work - but I did.  I just did NOT want - period!!  But I did.  Are you tracking with me?  Anyone?  Am I the only one that ever feels this way?  Or am I the only one admitting it publicly.  It did NOT help that my girls and I just fussed at each other too (one feeling that she has the right to interrogate me over a phone call and the other that mismanaged her time and therefore did not get her ponytail in her hair).  Given all of that I pushed forward and VIOLA!!  Here I am.

That cloud passed away this morning at some point.  It was like a warm ray of sunshine that coursed over me; I actually smiled.  I was laughing and enjoying 'Rise and Shine' - the song of the week during their music portion of the day.  It just felt GOOD!  I looked into those smiling faces  and...I can't describe it.  BTW - I get to Life Coach preschoolers - 4 year olds.

What is my long winded point?  Some days you just get up and go when you just don't want to.  I basically went through all the motions this morning to get myself to work and then through the day.  God was gracious enough to hug me through smiles of my kiddo's at school.

And in honor of my sweet friend - I think of you often, I miss you.  Please, give Jordan a kiss for me.  I love you both.

Eyes On Him

Mama Fox

1 comment:

  1. Many days you just do what you gotta... I think of Dori from Finding Nemo and have been known to chant, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

