Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Waiting for Red

The original title was going to be 'A New Kind of Slavery'.  

Waiting for Red - no, not waiting for me.  I'm talking about a good ol' fashioned red light and technology.

I just got a new Incredible; the iPhone equivalent on Verizon.  It was free, so I thought, "Why not?" 

(sigh)  When did the day come that I started hoping for a red light so that I could check my phone?  Send a text?  Dial a number?  (of course, I guess I could just do all of that while I'm driving like I see so many other lane-swervers do!  BUT that is another blog entirely!!)

What has this day and age come to?  I'm at the park playing a game on my phone, while my girls enjoy playing with their friends.  I hear the 'ding' and OH!!  Who could it be?!  I'm just SO important and SO well loved - HA!

I check e-mail several times a day and now even more so with this phone.

Text messages, because calling and hearing a voice just...I mean, really takes too much time.

Don't get me wrong - the convenience of these things (texting, e-mails, etc.) each have their place.  But it has replaced basic relational practices. 

(sigh)  I'm as guilty as the next person.  I remember a few months ago I actually put on my signature that I would only be checking my e-mail ONCE A DAY.  This did not go over well with some; others caught on and actually called me.  Weird, I know.

I acknowledge that I am becoming 'one of those people' - distracted, so-NOT-in-the moment. 

I have got to self-intervene. 

I must be proactive. 

I certainly won't tolerate this behavior from my girls when the day comes that they afford their own phone.  Why would I...I do I tolerate from myself??

I will be 'unplugging' (to some degree) for a spell.  (Great - and just after I get this fancy phone!  Timing - I tell ya!) 

I would LOVE to actually TALK to some of you.  But talking - well, it's reached a type of awkwardness, yes?  Isn't easier to type it in an e-mail / text / Face Book post? 

Who's with me?  Anyone? 

(sigh)  I guess I'll know by how many people call me.

Here's to gaining balance -

Eyes on Him

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