Monday, May 7, 2012

Marvel in the Moment

Let’s go to the park buddy.” She said to her son as she picked him up from preschool that day.

SWOOSH.  I was whisked back a few years, to the days where the park and snack bags were common place.  I am actually misty-eyed as to the simplicity that has escaped our lives.  (sigh) 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one to ‘miss the back days’ (as my youngest calls them), but there is a place in our lives to reflect on what ‘was’.  It’s a little surreal to see how life evolves, moving ever so quickly forward.  Mind boggling.

Then I watched a teeny little toddler running around…were mine really ever that small?  Gone are the days of sippy cups (and believe you me, I do not miss 'em!).  My oldest is almost as tall as me, my youngest can drive me from happy to frustration in 0 - 60! (can I get an ‘AMEN’?)

So where is the inspiration here?  I dare not cliché this with ‘enjoy those years now…’ or the ever popular, ‘it goes so fast!’  While we should and it does, my encouragement is to simply be in the moments – regardless of age or height (yours or your kids, if you have 'em!) 

Regardless if you have smaller people that you’re screwing up…I mean, training for the ‘real world’.  I have missed moments to marvel – while I certainly do marvel at my girls, do I pause long enough to marvel at my Abba?

Does Abba marvel at me? (perhaps…on some of my better days)
Do I send Abba from 0 – 60 flat with utter frustration?  (without a doubt)

Let’s take time – marvel in the moment(s)

Be present in the present.

That’s all really. 

Humbled, Buoyed and Blessed
