I hesitated. I was surrounded by school books and papers, getting ready to check over the day's work that my girls had accomplished. They attend a school where parent involvement is encouraged. My Joel and I are passing the 4th AND 2nd grade with flying colors, I'll have you know. HA!! But...I digress.
Said scene would certainly prompt that question, 'Are you a teacher?' I hesitated. Well, technically, no - I have been humbled to the position of 'aide' where I had been a 'teacher' (life-coach, as I like to call it) and I wasn't employed with a school district. B-U-T...I AM a teacher - to my two great daughters! I get to teach them a whole bunch of stuff that the books in front of me lack.
- How to be honest
(and how to talk yourself out of...JUST KIDDING!!!)
- How to 'use your words' and communicate clearly
- How to gently confront, even when it's a bit uncomfortable
- How to HUG (I have a degree ya know!)
- The art of a HANDwritten thank you note
- The art of giving back and being generous
The list goes on and on. And I don't list the above as some angle to boast. Absolutely not. I write as an effort to heighten awareness that we are A-L-L teachers. I'm not just talking about homeschool mom's, public school teachers, private school, etc. You must realize that we teach everywhere we go and people are watching our every move. Again, not because I'm all that and a bag of chips. Again, awareness.
Let me share a few 'sightings' -
- The mom I overhear getting stern and frustrated. (Oh how I've been there). Yet she teaches me how ugly that looks and sounds; of course my heart just aches for that child.
- My dear friend that can laugh at just about everything her kids do! I have GLEAMED volumes from this woman.
- Another friend that has a real knack for turning my eyes back on God in any given situation. Be it by prayer or by reading God's word.
Again, the list is long. But none of the above did I read in a book! I learned from WATCHING and LISTENING!
My challenge to you today - TEACH without saying a word. And hug just a little bit more...everyone needs a hug.
And yes, I am a teacher. I get to be the best possible teacher to my two beautiful, bright girls. It's not all good material because I sure do have my days; but I'm doing the best I can.
Humbled, buoyed and blessed -