He did it again.
He does remember.
He loves me enough to let me know.
I went to a concert a few weeks ago. Something you should know is that I'm afraid of Jordan's memory being forgotten. Now, I know that within the confines of our family, she will forever be in our hearts. However, I have the need to know that she continues to impact the lives of others. Every few months, I get a touch panic-y that she's fading. And then...He comes through.
Back to the concert. I will not name drop, but we attended the concert of a friend of mine. She has some notoriety in the community and our kids go to school together. Apparently, when I was sharing about The W.A.R.M. Place (see post 'Click' / September 2010), something resonated with her and a song bubbled up to the surface (In Her Shoes - how appropriate, given my addiction to shoes!!) She referenced this conversation, mentioned our sweet baby girl and our loss...I was touched! She remembered and Jordan was not forgotten!!!
Not five minutes before that, my Sweet T was telling me about how she had shared our story that week, with a new friend at her school. Her new friend was touched to tears. This just warmed my heart! Not that I enjoy 'making' someone cry, but to know that she was crying for our girl!
What's the point of this? Why do I bother to allude to knowing famous people and that my friend shared our Jordan with her new friend? Because, I want you to know that God is THAT personal. THAT loving. THAT interested in the matters of the heart.
Secondary to this, it was a reminder that our actions are observed and our words are heard even when we don't think that they are 'doing' anything. I shared with no expectation. I recently heard a quote, every exchange we have with someone, we are making an impact. YIKES!!
Thank you, my famous friend and thank you, my Sweet T. Thank you to everyone one of you that remembers our Jordan, that share her story or just ponder her precious 5 1/2 weeks. For your tears...those are most precious.
Humbled, buoyed and blessed
Eyes On Him
Mama Fox